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Reasons Of Acidity ( Symptoms / Causes / Home Remedies )

Acidity is a term used for a set of symptoms caused by excess production of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach.


         1.   Dyspepsia
         2.   Heart burn
         3.   Nausea
         4.   Gastric inflammation
         5.   Ulcers in the stomach
         6.   Belching
         7.   Indigestion
         8.   Constipation


         1.   Bad eating habits
         2.   Fad diets
         3.   Stress
         4.   Smoking
         5.   Alcohol consumption
         6.   Lack of physical activity
         7.   Irregular eating pattern
         8.   Excessive consumption of oily & spicy foods
         9.   Medicines like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
       10.   Peptic ulcers , stomach tumors etc.

    Home Remedies:

Here are 10 home made remedies for acidity that actually work-
         1.   Bananas
         2.   Tulsi
         3.   Cold milk
         4.   Jeera
         5.   Clove
         6.   Elaichi
         7.   Ginger
         8.   Amla
         9.   Mint leaves or pudina
       10.   Saunf of anissed.


    Acidity can be prevented by the following methods:

         1.   Don’t consume spicy food
         2.   Eat more fruits & vegetable
         3.   Eat small & regular meals
         4.   Consume your last meal at least a few hours before   
         5.   Reduce stress
         6.   Chew tulsi , cloves etc
         7.   Avoid medicines like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
               drugs & steroids.

Why Milk Is So Important To Drink (Beneftits Of Milk)

Milk is one of the best sources of calcium for the body. Milk is filled with vitamin D that helps the body absorb calcium. Drinking milk provides other benefits such as healthy teeth, rehydration & improves vitamin intake.

1. Bone health :

Milk is the rich source of calcium which is an essential part of our diet to provide strong bones. It’s often seen that people who don’t consume milk are victims of weak bones.

2. Fair complexion :

It is often advised to drink two glass of milk on a regular basis. Having milk daily adds a glow to our face making the skin soft & smooth. Milk also helps cleanse our internal system leaving our face free of spots & spores.

3. Strong teeth :

Calcium is the building block of teeth. Milk contain vitamin D & calcium which gives strong teeth. Also milk protects the enamel surface of teeth against weak gums.

4. Milk can also reduce the amount of cholesterol produced by the body

5. It ensures low blood pressure & reduces the risk of strokes.

6. Milk helps nail grow & keeps hair shiny & long.

7. Milk contains a number of vitamin & minerals that act as exceptional stress relievers.

8. Milk contains high amounts of water molecules which help keep the body hydrated to an optimum level.

9. Prevents heart burn :

The cooling effect of milk tends to treat the burning sensation & provides a thick coating to prevent heartburn.

10.  Reduces the risk of Osteoporosis :

Osteoporosis mainly occurs due to the deficiency of vitamin D or calcium in the body. So drinking milk on daily basis limits the risk of osteoporosis in the post 30 period of our lives.

11. People who consume milk in daily basis lose weight at a  faster pace than those who won’t. Drinking milk right before bed is also recommended for those who are trying to lose weight.

12. Milk is an important ingredient that contributes to muscle growth. Milk contains a large amount of protein which stimulates muscle building. It helps them to gain weight in the right muscles & essential minerals as well.

Milk helps to relief from ulcer pain because it coats the stomach lining. But milk also causes our stomach to produce more acid & digestive juices, Which can make ulcer worse.
                              Drinking milk definitely won’t heal your ulcer, although it may temporarily ease some of pain if the ulcer hurts worse on an empty stomach but not for long.
                              In the past it was believed stress & diet causes peptic ulcer but later, researches stated stomach acid (hydrochloric acid & pepsin) contributes to the majority of ulcer formation.