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Secret Of Healthy Eating

Maintaining a healthy diet means you'll look & feel better your skin, hair & weight may all improve.Eating right helps you look better, feel better,& stay healthier. Eat a variety of foods.
Try to eat lots of fruits & vegetables as well as grains, dairy & protein. Making changes to your diet is one of the easiest way 
to manage & control your health.

Healthy food choices :
Eat these foods more often-

1. Vegetables (specially Green Leaf Vegetables)
2.Whole Grains 
( like - barley, brown rice, oats, quinoa  & wild rice)
3.Lower fat milk(skimmed milk) & milk alternatives like paneer, curd etc
4.Fish (like- salmon, sardine, char, trout etc)
5.Lean meat (skin & fat removed) & meat alternative (like Beans, lentils etc)

#Foods to be limited

The following foods & drinks should be avoided as they contain high level of calorie, fat, sugar & sodium.

1. Cakes & pastries
2. Cookies
3. Icecream & frozen desserts
4. Chocolate & candies.
5. Potato chips
6. Alcohol & soft drinks
7. Sports & energy drinks

8.Cold drinks.

What are Nutrients? (Definition & Examples)

Nutrients is a substance that provides nourishment for growth or metabolism plants absorb nutrients mostly from the soil in the form of minerals & other in organic compounds & animals obtain nutrients from ingested foods.

Nutrients are of  Two types -  
Micro Nutrients & Macro nutrients.

Macro Nutrients
  • Potatoes
  • Grains
  • Cereals
  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • Fruits
  • & Sweet e.g - Soda & Candy
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Beans
  • Egg
  • Butter
  • Oil

Micro Nutrients

Vitamins (Fat Soluble vitamins : A, D, E, K)
-> Foods Rich In Vitamin A
  • Sweet potato (Cooked)
  • Carrots (Cooked)
  • Dark leafy greens (Kale, Cooked)
  • Squash (Butter nut, Cooked)
  • Cos or romaine lettuce
  • Dried Apricots
  • Cantaloupe melon
  • Sweet red peppers
  • Tuna fish (Cooked)
  • Tropical fruit (Mango)
-> Foods Rich In Vitamin D 

  • Sunlight
  • Cod liver oil
  • Sardine
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Tuna
  • Raw milk
  • Caviar
  • Eggs
  • Mushrooms
-> Foods Rich In Vitamin E
  • Dark leafy greens (Cooked spinach)
  • Nuts (almonds)
  • Sunflower seeds (Roasted)
  • Fish (Rainbow Trout)
  • Broccoli (Cooked)
  • Squash & Pumpkin (Cooked butternut squash )
  • Fruits (Kiwifruit)
  • Avocados
  • Shellfish (Shrimp)
  • Plant oils (Olive oil)

-> Foods Rich In Vitamin K
  • Green leafy vegetables (Kale)
  • Natto ( Fermented soy)
  • Spring onion (Scallions)
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Dairy (Fermented)
  • Prunes
  • Cucumber
  • Dried basil             

 (Water soluble vitamins – vitamin B complex & vitamin C )
-> Foods Rich In Vitamin B Complex
  • Shellfish (Cooked)
  • Liver (Beef)
  • Fish (Mackerel)
  • Crustaceans (Crabs)
  • Fortified soy products (Silken Tofu)
  • Fortified cereals (all bran)
  • Red meat (Beef)
  • Low fat dairy (Skimmed milk)
  • Cheese (Swiss)
  • Egg (Chicken)
-> Foods Rich In Vitamin C

  • Peppers (Yellow bell peppers)
  • Guavas
  • Dark green leafy vegetables (Kale)
  • Kiwifruit (Green)
  • Broccoli
  • Berries (Strawberries)
  • Citrus fruits (Orange)
  • Tomatoes (Cooked)
  • Peas (Mango Tout)
  • Papaya

What Is Nutrition? (Definition & Example)

Nutrition is a process of taking in nutrients from foods by 
looking at the six classes of nutrients. Nutrients are the 
substances that allow your body to make energy, build & maintain tissues & regulate
bodily processes.

Good nutrition - an adequate well balanced diet combined with regular physical activity, is a corner store 
of good health.Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to disease, impaired physical
& mental development & reduced productivity. 

Means of healthy eating:

Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods that give you nutrients which is
very much important for our health.

These nutrients include
3.Carbohydrate (CHO)

Welcome Everyone To My Website

Hey Guy's, Hope all Of you had a great Diwali & enjoyed a lot...
I am So excited for my new website, because finally i manage to launch my new website after a long preparation.

There are a few elements that still need fine tuning, but i think it will much easier to find the resources that

you need.

I am committed to making this site a great place for inspiration, resources & anything that will be

useful to you.while I can not comment on the specific health concerns of individuals but still I
can give you a overall ideas to help, manage or prevent diseases.

I am coming with this website to give an idea about everything related to make you fit

It may be either benefits of a particular food or drawbacks of excess consumption of that food.

It May be either about daily diet or a Particular diet for a specific disease.

It may be either how to prevent yourself from

non-hygienic substances or what precaution should be taken to maintain hygiene.

It may either homemade remedies without any side effects.

It may either beauty tips to look you fresh.

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