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Is It Okay To Drink Water While Eating Or Will It Negatively Impact My Digestion

Do not drink water before and soon after meal. Always take a glass of water on your table while you are having meal.

                          Most of the ayurvedic personnel say different things. Some doctors say that don’t drink water before food, in between food and at least for 1hr after food.

1. Drink water before food- As per as ayurveda, it dilutes and weakens anti digestion strength. Because water is coolant.
    A principle directly opposite to digestion strength. Hence taking water before food is not ideal.

2. Drinking water between food- It helps to moisture the food and helps to breakdown food particles into smaller pieces.

3. Drinking water after food-  It affects both the quality of food and digestion strength. It gives a touch of coolant effect to whatever the food is eaten. Hence, the person tends to become obese over a period of time, by this method. Hence it’s not ideal.

4. Drink at least 3-4lit water/day- (Drink plenty of water)  Water helps flush our system of waste products and toxins, yet many people go through life dehydrated- causing

·       Tiredness

·       Low energy

·       Headaches

It’s common to mistake thirst for hunger, so staying well hydrated will also help you make healthier food choices.

Note:-  while taking medicines water in required quantity can be had, 20minutes before meals.