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15 Benefits Of Ripe Mango

Antioxidants like quercetin , isoquercitrin , astragalin , fisetin , gallic acid and methylegallat present in mango which protect the body against colon , breast , leukemia and prostate cancers. Mango has high level of Vitamin C , pectin and fibres that help to lower serum cholesterol levels.

1.   Prevent heart disease

2.   May help treat diabetes

3.   Improve digestion

4.   Aid weight loss

5.   Help prevent asthma

6.   Improve eye health

7.   Promote brain health

8.   Regulate blood pressure

9.   Enhance skin health

10. Improve immunity

11.  Can help treat kidney stone

12.  Boost bone health

13.  Might treat against anaemia

14.  Help hair health

15. Prevent cancer.